Acpi Msft0101 Driver Download __EXCLUSIVE__
Acpi Msft0101 Driver Download >
I'm not sure if this will work or not, the drivers I got for my 980 530 gta ti won't load nouveau either. I can load them, the problem is, my driver doesn't load. But, if I start gdm and I login, my video doesn't come up on the screen. I can see what's going on, though, in the lightdm progress bar. If I run the command mv ~/.config/monitors.xml ~/.config/monitors.xmli do see a ton of tens of lines of code that represent a login screen, just not the login screen on the display.
Thanx, that opens up further questions as to why GDM configurations can be loaded but not the xfce4 session. By the way, the Fix ExpressPack HP Menu doesn't seem to work in my case. I have a X120e and it still keeps opening up the HP menu. I have to actually delete the ExpressPack completely and reload the OS. It shows an HP logo and says, x120e expresspack... Just when I want to get Xfce working. HP, seriously, come on!! I owe you a beer.
If you no longer have your live stick or DVD and are running the newest stable release of Debian, please upgrade by running the following commands. They are good for installing from scratch in the current installation of Debian:
# apt-get update; echo "deb main contrib non-free" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list; echo "# deb-src main contrib non-free" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources. d2c66b5586