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That being said, I still managed to get lost pretty easily for around ten minutes in the beginning of the game while searching for the first temple. More specifically, I spent a bunch of time hopping around between small islands looking for things to do and coming up fairly empty handed. A handful had some tablets to read, or ethereal memories of previous inhabitants expelling some kind of thought, but smaller bits of side content Not so much.
Chiki-Chiki Boxy Pro Wrestling may look like a goofy take on the sport but there's so much to it that you'll be impressed. For starters, the visuals are fantastic with all sorts of blocky chums and distinct arenas, many of which feature their own gimmicks and hazards. The audio is great, too, with rocking music, a silly announcer, and rewarding effects and crowd cheers. What makes it truly stand out is its intuitive yet open-ended gameplay. You can perform all sorts of throws and attacks as you bounce off the ropes, leap high in the air, and grapple with various parts of your foe whenever they're downed. Throw in power-ups, a cool character creation component, and local and online multiplayer and you're left with one fully featured super-fun wrestling game that can be enjoyable even for non-wrestling fans.
Post War Dreams is a depressing game. First, it's set in a post-apocalyptic USA where militias and gangs run the show. You play as a gun-toting dude who hopes to escape this shithole country and along the way; you can help other survivors who each have their own story. Although it features gritty 3D visuals, Post War Dreams is a 2D action platformer where you aim various firearms and shoot bad guys while climbing your way through city wreckage. Unfortunately, the gameplay is tough to enjoy for a multitude of reasons, the most annoying of which is aiming as it's unintuitive and clunky. Clearly, it was made for mouse controls and they didn't adapt it well for consoles. Also, it's full of glitches. More than a few times, I had the camera zoom in so much that I literally couldn't see anything around me. After fumbling around with the controller and looking through all of the options and help menus, I was at a loss as to how to fix it.
At its core, Grand Brix Shooter is like many other shmups in that you fire streams of projectiles while carefully avoiding enemy fire. What sets it apart is its very cool power-up system. Basically, you can equip and level-up various forms after uncovering them from their special containers. Once you equip one, bricks attach to your ship thus altering its appearance and once you collect enough stars, you can level up the form. As soon as it's at max level, filling up the meter again will make it super-powerful for a limited time. Anyway, the graphics are crisp, the chiptune soundtrack is great, and the gameplay is super-tight. That being said, it is a very challenging shooter so only genre veterans will appreciate its steep level of difficulty. There's also a list of achievements to master, a collection of ships to fill out, and challenge and arcade modes with a couple of difficulty settings as if the normal difficulty isn't challenging enough.
Yes, Whipseey and the Lost Atlas looks a lot like Kirby but it definitely doesn't play like it. First of all, you merely run, jump, and whip enemies. There are no interesting core mechanics aside from using your whip to swing from certain nodes and such. Although this makes it sound like a simple game, Whipseey and the Lost Atlas is surprisingly challenging. The little pink fellow sure has a big hitbox and only has 5 health points. However, those health points don't mean much because you'll usually perish via instant death traps like spikes and pits. Once you eat up your 5 lives, you have to start the stage all over again. Thankfully, you can get more health and lives by collecting gems but on the downside, there are only 5 somewhat lengthy stages to work through which is ridiculously short.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: All dialogue comes via text. Heads up, there is one puzzle in the final third that uses an audio cue. It also has a visual cue, but it could possibly be missed depending on the camera angle. Overall, I would say the game is fully accessible.
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AER is a game about the feeling of flight and featuring curiosity-driven exploration. In AER Memories of Old, you will take the role of Auk, a girl with the ability to transform into a bird, and you will fly to explore and experience a vibrant world of floating islands and venture down into ancient ruins to reveal the past and save the future.AER is a third person exploration adventure game in which you can transform seamlessly between human and bird form at any time in the overworld. The flight mechanic is the heart of the game, and is super intuitive to pick up and play around with. While in human form on the other hand, you will explore the islands of the Land of Gods, but also the ancient ruins left behind by former civilizations. You have puzzle and platforming elements keeping you busy, as well as a magic lantern at your disposal. The lantern can be used to shine light upon ghostly figures, which are memories of the past, stuck in time and space for you to explore.
Because the game starts by default in fullscreen mode, on some window managers (openbox, xfwm4) it will only display a black screen after launching.To work around this issue, you have to start the game in windowed mode. To do it, edit the configuration files in /.config/unity3d/Daedalic Entertainment GmbH/AER_ Memories of Old/ like this:in prefs, change the line 2: < pref name=\"Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode\" type=\"int\" >1to: < pref name=\"Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode\" type=\"int\" >0and in Settings.ini, change the line 4:FullScreen=1to:FullScreen=0 1e1e36bf2d