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The rewards are so ridiculously inflated in comparison to their investment that the average user will end up with nothing. You cannot make any significant amount of money from crystal meth. All you get are headaches, anxiety attacks, and a short, temporary high. The risks are more than the rewards. The victim risks not just their health, but a much greater danger: their money. These predictions are not mere conjecture; they are based on quantitative data gathered from many studies. Crystal meth addicts predict they can stop at any time, predictions with low mortality probabilities become predictions with very low mortality probabilities. You cannot expect to be able to predict what you will do or not do in the future. If you can do it, chances are you know it already, so why not try to predict? Losses are irrational and predictable.
The only possible way to predict the future is to assume that current trends will continue. This is the same reason that a crystal meth addict cannot predict when or whether he will want to stop using, or buy in quantity, and why drug manufacturers and users cannot commit themselves to specific timelines for producing and using their products.
The real question is not "when" will crystal meth users start using more crystal meth, but "why" are users using more crystal meth? It's a question a crystal meth user has not answered yet. There are two possible answers, and one requires no crystal ball at all.
The second is that the crystal meth user is rational, and likely quite knowledgeable about the risk of developing a drug problem. And it is rational because he or she is aware of other uses for the drug: sexual performance, reduced anxiety, increased energy, weight loss, and the feeling that it induces an altered state of consciousness. d2c66b5586