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Edible mushrooms
Here you get an overview of the most well-known edible mushrooms. You get a picture and descriptions so that you can more easily spot them yourself on your mushroom hunt.
Common Chanterelle
This is probably the most well-known mushroom. The coveted chanterelles are fantastic edible mushrooms. Most people refer to Common Chanterelle when they refer to chanterelles.
The mushroom is best known for its beautiful egg-yellow color and the ribs under the cap. They can vary slightly in color depending on the weather, but almost always have a nice yellow color. However, dry weather often makes them a little paler. Another good thing about the mushroom is that it is rarely attacked by worms. cocaine for sale This is often seen in the good edible mushrooms among the reed caps.
Another good feature of Common Chanterelle is the good apricot-like scent. It grows in the forests already from June, but there are rarely many specimens in the forests before July/August, when there must have been rainfall. The early specimens are also often very small. So you get more out of the mushrooms if you let them grow a little bigger. cream deluxe 666
Karl Johan
The other highly sought-after mushrooms is Karl Johan. It is sought after because of its amazing nutty flavor and because of its size. A large specimen can easily be over 500 grams. They can therefore give a great yield and you can make many recipes with them.
Typically, however, the mushrooms are a little smaller, as the younger mushrooms are the best to use in the kitchen. They are firmer in the flesh and rarely attacked by worms. The older specimens are often attacked by worms, which can make them less appetizing.
Karl Johan mushrooms are generally large and the cap can be up to 25 cm wide. The color of the hat varies slightly depending on the weather, but will always be in the brownish shades.
You typically find Karl Johan together with beech, but it grows in both deciduous and coniferous forests. The first specimens often grow in June, but you can find them most frequently in August/September.
Common Oyster Hat
Most people know oyster mushrooms, as it is one of the good mushrooms that you can buy in the supermarket. They are really good to use in the kitchen and it is generally an underrated edible mushroom. It tastes fantastic both cocaine for sale in larger dishes and on a piece of good bread.
It is easily recognized in nature by its characteristic shape. It can also be found in the forest all year round, which is atypical for most mushrooms. However, it is most frequent in autumn, which is peak season for mushrooms. However, you can easily come across it in periods of thawing weather over the winter.
You will find it mostly in deciduous forest, but you may come across it in coniferous forest. It is typically found on older trees and you may be lucky enough to find it growing on some recently felled trunks.
Brown Cane Piper Hat
This mushroom is another of the good edible reed caps. Along with Karl Johan and Punktstokket Indigo-Rørhat, it is one of the popular edible mushrooms in the piper hat family. It is relatively easy to recognize in the forest and it has a really good taste. It is often fixed in the flesh and more rarely attacked by worms than some of the other reeds.
The good characteristics is the bluing tubes when pressed, as the picture above shows. You just need to press your finger for a few seconds. After this, you will slowly be able to see the tubes turn blue.
It is most common in coniferous forests and you will typically find it from July until late autumn.
Common confusions
There are many fungi in nature that look similar. In fact, there are many species that can be difficult to tell apart without a microscope. buy cocaine online However, this is mostly for the smaller mushrooms, which are difficult to determine with the naked eye anyway.
However, there are also confusions among the larger fungi. These are more relevant, as all mushroom hunters are exposed to them to one extent or another. Even the most well-known edible mushrooms have confusions. Here are some of the typical confusions that many mushroom hunters encounter.
Karl Johan and Galderørhat
This is one of the typical confusions that beginners have difficulty with when starting mushroom hunting. Visually, the two mushrooms may look similar. However, there are good methods to separate them from each other. In the picture below you can see Karl Johan on the left and Galderørhat on the right. The clearest differences is the coarse dark net pattern on the cane of Galderørhat, which Karl Johan does not have.
In addition to the pattern on the cane, there will be a difference in the color of the pipe mouths of older specimens of the mushrooms. Gall piper hat gets pink pipes over time.
Common Chanterelle and Common Orange Chanterelle
This is one of the other very common confusions that mushroom hunters have a hard time distinguishing. It happens often, as Common Chanterelle is one of the finest edible mushrooms and therefore there are many who look for it in the forest floor. order cocaine online
You should get to know the two mushroom species, as you will therefore have a better chance of distinguishing them from each other. They have clear characteristics which indicate whether it is one or the other. In the picture below you can see Common Orange Chanterelle to the left and Common Chanterelle to the top. buy royal honey
The clear differences is under the cap on the mushrooms. Here you can see on the Common Chanterelle on the right that the ribs (not slats) run down the cane. Ribs are part of the mushroom and it is therefore a fruiting body, while lamellae are attached to the mushroom. You can therefore see that the lamellae of Common Orange Chanterelle do not run significantly down the cane.
The other differences is in the cane, which is more massive in Common Chanterelle. It is thinner and often hollow in Common Orange Chanterelle. Another difference is the smell, where Common Chanterelle has a more distinct smell of apricot. royal honey
Blushing Fly Agaric and Panther Fly Agaric
This is more dangerous confusions. You should therefore not collect Red Fly Agarics for eating unless you have a lot of experience with mushroom hunting. You can easily get a good return from your mushroom hunting without collecting Blushing Fly Agaric. There are many other interesting edible mushrooms in the forest.
Below you can see pictures of the Mushroom
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