LINK --->>> https://shoxet.com/2taogv
I feel so blessed that I found a great dog and that he has a good home with me. I love my dog and I want to take care of him because he is so loyal and loving and I am so happy that he has a great home with me. I wish that he could talk and tell me what he wants me to do and feel. It is just so hard to leave him alone at home all day long. I really love him so much, he is my friend and my child. I love my kids, but I miss having my dog to go to as they grow up. I want my dog to be with me and be happy. If anyone has suggestions or thoughts on this situation, please feel free to share. Thank you for your time.
I am 26 years old and my dog has been with me since he was three months old. I have seen him grow up and now he is a 15 lb. 70lb. husky. He is so loyal and loves my kids dearly! He does not treat me as his owner. He has so much energy and loves to play with them! I also have three kids, a brother and sister that are older than me. They love him as well! I have told him that he will be the only dog I have and he loves us kids as much as we love him!
I live in Harlem NY and I have to walk him like 3 miles a day. I feed him every two hours, give him meds when needed and rub his belly when he is on the couch. He needs to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I use a towel so he can go if he needs to and he still does it in my house. My house is small but it is furnished like I would want it. I love my doggy and he loves me.
For over 20 years, Patrick has been designing and building off road and adventure-focused equipment. For his latest creation, he teamed up with a few industry veterans, to create the Chameleon. This is the bike that can do it all, and do it all for a price that is hard to beat.
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