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18 Apr 2020 - Download The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book by Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani here in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, TXT, DOC formats. You can also read online 'The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift' here in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, TXT, DOC formats.
Download The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book
Download or read online The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book by Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani here in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, TXT, DOC formats. You can also download. The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book by Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, TXT, DOC formats.
You can read online The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book by Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, TXT, DOC formats.
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The Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book by Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani
Download the Book of Guidance And Indulgence As A Gift book by Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani, the most popular book in English, read online, download ebook free.
Daud Bin Abdullah Al-Fathani (Arabic: ادوي بن العزيز الفاتني) (d. November 27, 859), also known as Syeikh Daud, al-Fathani, and al-Fatani, was a ninth-century Sufi master who taught hundreds of thousands of followers. He is one of the most popular Sufi masters in the Muslim world. He is reputed to have been the teacher of Umar al-Farooq.
Syeikh Daud was a prolific author, said to have written several books over his lifetime.
17 Jun 2016. Munyatul Musolli Al-'Allamah Syeikh Daud al-Fathani (Arabic: المختوم العلماء مصطفى الطوائف، French: Âmesseure Al-Muntatil 'al-Qutn fi 'ilm 'Alamat : Souhar Al-Arid Al-Nafis) was a Tunisian scholar, Dervish and Arab Sunni scholar who earned his fame after his death in the late 12th century.
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