State Birds And Flowers Coloring Book !!BETTER!!
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As already stated the nutmeg plantis diœcious. A seed may therefore developinto a male or female plant; if amale plant it will of course not producenutmegs. The only way to learnwhether it is one or the other is to waituntil the first flowers are formed duringthe fifth or sixth year. The planterdoes, however, not sit by and wait; hesimply grafts the young shoots withbranches of the female tree. Somemale trees, about one to twenty femaletrees, are allowed to mature in orderthat pollination, by insects, may bepossible, as without pollination andsubsequent fertilization the seed couldnot develop.
A good illustration was the first flower I had ever seen ofthe Crossandra undulifolio andof course, I was permitted to make pictures of it in color under poorconditions. I had purchased seed from Geo. Ball of Chicago early in spring asthat was the first inkling I had of the beauty of this newcomer in the flowerworld, and of course I was very much delighted to see it in bloom for the first time. I did not dream at that time, that at the time of my return my own plants would be in full bloom in September. A little surprise to me is itscontinual flowering habit for it has never been out of bloom since, and is anastonishing feat for a new plant. I may also state that in this flower show Ilooked over a great many books and of course, purchased a new volume of Orchidsby C. H. Curtis in the English language. Air travel limits your capacity tocarry things so my book arrived in due time. 153554b96e